A leader is the organisation on its best day, but also encouraging the next generation.
A leader is always curious, but confidently decisive.
The first to put their hand up, but generous with the credit.
Some people are born with it.
Most of us need to learn it.
My name is Morgan Holt. I’ve worked in a wide variety of executive roles so I understand well the challenge of forging an unconventional career — and how rewarding it is when you succeed.
As a co-active coach, I work with leaders and founders who want to understand their leadership style better, and make more of it in their professional and personal lives.
We can work on your confidence, clarity, delegation...
We can work on your business' planning, recruiting, marketing...
Please get in touch if you can't find an answer to your question.
How do you find a leadership coach who is going to help you make the changes you need to be more successful?
I recommend you check out several potential coaches before deciding. How a coach and client fit together is important. Who makes the most sense to you? Who do you click with? Most coaches offer a free phone consultation. It’s a good chance to interview the coach and ask about their education, credentials and values.
In particular you should look for:
A proven methodology. I am a CTI-trained coach, and a member of the ICF. So I invite you to assume that you already have all the power in you, and what you need is a process that releases it in a way that is unique and ownable by you.
An approach that fits the way you work. My clients live and work across the world, so most of our coaching sessions are conducted on the phone. While some clients prefer to meet with me one on one, or bring me to their offices, I work almost exclusively over the phone or Skype. It saves my clients a lot of time and money to work that way.
Good rapport and trusted confidentiality. You’ll discover tools and techniques, and sometimes we’ll just talk. More than anything, I will challenge and encourage you to play a bigger part in your leadership with an experience that is stimulating and rewarding.
Someone who has seen enough and has enough experience to be of real help. I have worked with large multinational corporate clients, but I have also coached and mentored more than 100 small and medium sized businesses. I understand the corporate player and the entrepreneurial mindset, the strategic politics and the tactical practice.
A free sample session. Coaching is a process where change happens so it must be experienced to be fully understood. You can’t tell someone what chocolate tastes like – you have to try it to know if you like it.
"An inspiration to work with” AM
“It’s been very powerful and a joy to work with you.” DK
“I’ve worked with Morgan for almost a year and work with him every two weeks. I’m a free thinker and like to be challenged. Morgan works like an eagle. From whatever distance my thoughts appear he is able to spot a thread and bring its potential right into his hands through powerful questions, his progressive thinking, superior strategic mindset and a gritty desire to make each session our best yet. He has the street smarts of an entrepreneur and the business acumen of a CEO. I’m delighted to work with him as part of my team. ” MP
“Morgan saw me through my first real professional coaching, helping me unpick exactly what my next move should be and gave me the impetus to make a big change in my professional career. He was brilliant, helping me understand what I needed to do as well as what would really motivate me. I would wholeheartedly recommend him.” LB
“I began coaching because I was lost and unsure where I wanted to go in my career. I had served for eight years as Royal Navy Officer and followed the well-trodden path of moving into a role in the City, I knew straight away that this was the wrong decision and after four months I left the role feeling despondent and lost about where my career was going. I decided to find a coach who could help me explore my true strengths and values in order to identify what I wanted to do, not what I thought I should do. I spoke to numerous coaches but as soon as I spoke to Morgan I knew that he would be right person for me. Throughout my coaching Morgan was fantastic- listening to everything that I said, succinctly summarising the problems identified and then allowing me to explore what I wanted to do whilst knowing exactly when to provide direction and guidance. I have now found a new role in the NHS that will fulfil my values whilst capitalising on my strengths and I am extremely excited about the opportunity. If you are considering a coach then I would strongly recommend that you pick up the phone to Morgan.” CF
“It’s given me focus and direction whereas before I was not convinced of why I was doing this. Amazing how new thinking can change my world!” RT
“I began coaching because I knew there was more to me than I was showing the world, but I wasn’t sure what that was. Morgan’s coaching with me helped me to understand that, but more importantly, it also helped me to ‘own’ it, and to start taking action in my life to support what it was I was discovering about myself. Morgan was generous and playful, but also knew when and how to challenge me to think differently, bigger and better. My life looks very different (in a wonderful way) than it did when I started coaching. If you’re ready to start knowing and doing different, then this is for you!” MCH
“Morgan is a highly effective coach. His listening and evaluation skills are exceptional. He is one of the few people that I’ve met that can speak fluently about corporate life and entrepreneurial challenges and a life with meaning and parenting and humour. Remarkable! I can recommend Morgan as a coach, a mentor and a lifelong learner. ” RFF
“I came to coaching at a time when I wanted to add more power and clarity to my life, both personally and professionally. Over the last year I can definitely say that I have achieved both with your support. With humour, insight and patiently holding the space you have brought out the cheeky, swash- buckling, deep feeling man I am and continue to choose to become. When I have lost sight of my direction you were there unfailingly to make me realise that I had closed my eyes to what was possible and all I had to do was open them again and continue along the path I know to be right. Without fear you delved into the deep emotion I was afraid to step into to clear the space for more growth, understanding and insight for which I am eternally grateful. What attracted me to you over other coaches was that there was something about you that scared me a little- just enough to reach out and call and know that I was going to be challenged on the things I would otherwise want to dodge. I was right to follow my instinct on that. You have done a wonderful service to me and the people in my life by holding the vision of my best self and reminding me of how potent and powerful that vision is when I give it air to breath, a voice to speak and a body to action my magnificence in the world. Thank you.” DB
“It’s so useful to have a space where I can remove myself from the day to day of the office and think about the bigger picture and it really has helped shape future plans.” MJ
“Thank you so much for making it so easy to tell my story.” AI
“Our sessions brought up lots of issues around safety, trust, love, connection and permission. It seems amazing that the body holds so much pain and longing within it unexpressed yet present and powerful. I thought you held the space wonderfully, challenged and supported, delved deep enough and held me where I needed to be to explore, experience and understand. Thank you for all that. Thank you for agreeing to coach me.” DB
“I am finding peace in my life that I have never experienced. It’s like I’m floating on air.” RFF
“It’s the third coach I’ve had and I’ve been very happy. For me, he is the best coach.” KVD
“Bored, tired, wondering what to do next? Need some inspiration in your life? I highly recommend spending a few hours of your life talking to Morgan Holt.” MA
“An original who crosses boundaries between disciplines. Always expect to be surprised by Morgan. Pleasantly.” RW
“We got to the answer just when we said we would need it. This couldn’t have come at a better time.” NW
“Having a life coach rocks!” MA
“It’s been so creative, fun and challenging to be coached by you. I’ve felt my strength and courage grow when you’ve always been so attentive – listening to my unspoken motivations and dreams, and pushing me towards them. Thanks to you, I’m gathering huge amounts of momentum.” MU
“Great to work with. Lots of integrity.” SP
“You’ve had a massive influence on me, just getting everything balanced.” AS
“Morgan is undoubtedly a fantastic coach. Someone who can think ‘out of the box’ and understand any leaps that you’re trying to make in your life. I’m taking a career break to reassess where I’m going and his expertise, support, enthusiasm and undoubted encouragement has made me move leaps and bounds in the right direction with conviction and belief. If you’re thinking of trying something new in your career, not sure how/when to make the break then I think his style of ‘coaching towards an unconventional life’ would really suit you so I hope you’ll take him up on it.” TK
“Coaching is the most positive form of counselling ever! And I never thought I’d say that. Give it a try if you feel stuck, restricted, stressed by any part of your life. I’ve been talking to Morgan Holt, I think you should too.” MA
“I would be delighted to recommend you as I would be doing people a favour!” GH
“You really embody the co-active model in a powerful and dynamic way. I love it.” DB
What do you learn from your personal time-line?
Think about the key turning points in your career and personal life. How did these moments shape your values, your attitudes, your behaviour? Identify the consequences, both positive and negative. What does this knowledge point you towards in terms of reclaiming or growing neglected parts of yourself?
Have your most positive personal strengths become blocked?
List your most positive strengths, values, qualities. Describe how each has been blocked or stunted in their expression in daily life. It happens to everyone. For each one, describe the steps you could take to commit to living them at their fullest, to enlarge these capacities in you, to reduce the gaps in your leadership.
How can you grow past your cover story?
All of us tend to develop a ‘cover story’ about our lives, beneath which is the real story, including our emotional blind spots, fears and pockets of dysfunctional behaviour. These can become hidden drivers of our lives. Take some time to honestly identify your vulnerabilities. How can you grow through them?